The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World is a book by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu published in 2016. These two men from different religious backgrounds show us that spirituality and human experiences aren’t defined by any one religion.
This is a wonderful book, and a must-read, in my opinion.
The thoughts and ideas expressed in the book are nothing new and can be broadly expressed in a single word, ‘ubuntu’, which is a Zulu word meaning ‘I am, because you are’. Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu ask you to be less self-centred and more compassionate, generous and warm-hearted towards others to bring joy into your life. It’s about finding joy in the face of unhappiness and grief. It’s about choosing to practice joy, not question unhappiness. It might sound too idealistic to put it into practice in a world that is too competitive and where accumulating more wealth seems to be the only acceptable ambition, but every little step counts. A genuine smile really doesn’t cost anything, and the smallest acts of kindness cause ripples that reach far and wide. Each and every one of us can make a difference for the better in this world.
The book is a comforting read, one that is bound to make you smile. Many readers will come back to it again and again.
“… and the more we turn away from our self-regard to wipe the tears from the eyes of another, the more – incredibly – we are able to bear, heal, and to transcend our own suffering. This was their true secret to joy.”

Puja Killa
Puja Killa is a mother of three, a beloved wife, daughter, and friend. She loves to read, dance, play tennis, paint, and cook. She has recently started writing poetry.