Sonali Sharma: Founder of Limitless yoga

Talk to us about your self-belief mindset
My journey to finding my calling as a yoga teacher has been quite an adventure. From having no clue on whether I even had any special talent or potential, my inner voice (which can get really strong at times) told me to just take a leap of faith into the unknown when my 11-year marriage collapsed. Having been a housewife all those years with no real career as such before the marriage, I was like a headless chicken trying to find a “regular job”. After getting a few “jobs mystically but failing at them all miserably”, I realised I had to seriously get to the root of finding my passion & turn it into my profession, as I also realised if I was not feeling the passion and joy, I wasn’t going to grow.
How did you start?
Basing my life on faith if I had come this far, there was definitely a plan by the universe, I had to just trust that and go with the flow of the tide. Soon through word of mouth the clients started coming in and the growth was happening very organically, at times slow but I held onto my faith like a child to its mother. Cut to two years later, I had celebrities from Bollywood training with me.. & last year one of the leading global brand insurance organisations employees found me on the gram (Instagram) and I was asked to conduct a yoga workshop for 400 of their employees from across Europe.

How did you continue despite the odds you faced?
My spiritual practice made me go through some deep introspection and self-reflection and after some serious struggles, the A-ha moment happened. My love for yoga which had disappeared during the crumbling of my marriage suddenly surfaced & once again the inner voice said out loud “you got this. You are going to become one of these finest yoga teachers, just go for it.” From that day on began a whole new journey of serious self-discipline, a complete inner transformation from hating to wake up early mornings to giving up all comfort foods but the joy of getting back on the mat was indescribable.
These experiences have been nothing short of miracles for a woman who has to restart her life at 40, lost in the woods with no direction to where to go. The universe always has a bigger plan than we can ever imagine, we just have to trust in it & keep on pushing till we find the right door to push open.
Building trust with my clients/students was never a struggle for I guess they could see that I’m someone who works with complete transparency, respect & honesty & that’s just the kind of people I manifest in my environment. Sometimes the not so nice ones have crossed paths too but only to mystically disappear. And last but not least, the only formula to living a life with integrity and success is to never, never give up on yourself. Even if we fail 99 items, the 100th time victory is assured and that will be one mother of a breakthrough. One that will transform your life for good.

Interview by Arunanjali Maria