Roong Suchinunkul: Founder of Bymamalaterre

Talk to us about your self-belief mindset
I started with what I loved and practised them enough to make me confident and believe that it was the correct way. And that makes my customers see that it’s good too. I made thousands of stamps, drew thousands of pictures and taught thousands of classes till it grew into the business it is today.
How did you start?
Firstly I don’t have any ideas in my head before I started my business. All my business start with doing what I like and I can do best. I change the directions of my business so many times during my journey to fit clients and also still on the way that I love. I started with teaching art for kids (not any specific), did hand craved stamps and try so many arts until found out the watercolor painting is my strength for teaching and base for making unique products.

How did you continue despite the odds you faced?
I did my best in everything, both teaching and producing products. So that has always given me support from my clients. Including my husband and children who have helped me along the way of my business, both creating a website and online classes. All these help me continue despite some odds.
Practising so much made me have a deep understanding of what I was doing and gave me confidence and trust in myself and others. I also don’t shut myself down when new opportunities come in, for example, doing workshops for brands like Dior.
All these have given me options when in tough situations.
Interview by Arunanjali Maria