- Take three deep grateful breaths before getting out of bed.
- Set an intention for your day.
- Smile at yourself in the bathroom mirror.
- Stretch, even if you only have five minutes.
- Don’t check your phone while drinking your tea or having breakfast.
- Consciously walk as much as you can.
- Create mindful transitions between phases of the day. Make time to stretch and take a few deep breaths in between.
- Doodle during your breaks instead of scrolling through social media.
- Practice gratitude for any tiny or big progress you make each day.
- Notice any negative thought patterns and question them.
- Always keep a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated.
- Try not to make your lunch at work a “working lunch”. If you can, don’t eat at your desk.
- Try not to multitask. Don’t think about another project while you are focusing on one. Try giving each project a 45-minute slot.
- Write the lesson from every ‘mistake’, knowing that it is all part of being human.
- Practice sending compassion to people who trigger/ annoy/ frustrate you.
Winding down/Nighttime
- When you get home, be fully present to your family. Greet them, hug them, listen to them and not try to send that “last message”.
- Remind yourself at the end of each day – “whatever I got done today is enough, wherever I am is enough, and who I am is enough.”
- No gadgets on the dining table.
- Keep a book by your bedside. You are more likely to read if one is close by, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.
- Either write down or think about five things that you’re grateful for and five things that made you smile that day.
- Make a quick list of anything important you need done the next day so you won’t worry about it through the night.
- Think about, write down or read an affirmation you find inspiring.
- Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.