“Life is not meant to be easy”, it’s a phrase I often hear. Since we live in a world of polarities – with its ups and downs, good times and not so good times – challenges are inevitable and a part of the human experience we call Life.
On the other hand, this same phrase can be limiting as it creates a mindset that ‘expects’ life to be hard. It reinforces the difficulty with challenge, thus adding further turmoil to an already stressful situation. Anxiety, stress, fear and burnout from dealing with challenges can all take a toll and lead to mental, physical and emotional problems.
So, is there a different way? Can we allow life’s challenges but not be consumed by them? Can we turn our challenges into growth?
Here are tips to show you how TO TURN CHALLENGES INTO GROWTH
Our challenges are intended to help us evolve and develop ourselves. Through our challenges, we learn what we like and what we don’t like; what works and what doesn’t. We can learn to take the ‘gift’ of each experience and use the wisdom to do things differently in the future.
When you have a challenge ask yourself: What is this trying to show me? What am I learning? How can I move on from it? Reframe your challenge from being ‘hard’ or ‘difficult’ by being open to the experience and turning it into an opportunity for growth.
Most people tend to clamp down or resist their challenges in life. They often have an automatic reaction and response to what’s unpleasant to them and so, naturally recoil. This ‘flight-fight’ stress response views the challenge as a perceived threat and our automatic reflex makes us want to run, or eliminate it. However, this perspective and response can hinder us from enjoying life to the fullest. Since the challenge is going to happen anyway, rather than using all that energy to ‘fight or flee’ – stop, pause, take some deep breaths to re-centre and ‘face’ the challenge with an open mind and open heart.
Feel the feelings that have surfaced and move forward anyway. When you do this, you become aligned and not against the flow of the situation. As a result, you can sail through it much more easily. This acceptance helps you to embrace the learning and allow the true growth that your soul is seeking.
Embrace a Higher Perspective
Our souls set up circumstances for us to evolve through. When you embrace the perspective from the ‘bigger picture’ of your soul, you can begin to understand, “What am I learning here?” rather than replaying over and over in your mind, “Why is this happening to me?” One is an empowered response, the other is a victim or powerless response.
Approaching the challenge from the ‘higher’ soul perspective empowers you, since you are tapping into your true power and core strength. Over time, as you learn to turn all your challenges into opportunities for growth, you become the master of your life and not powerless to it. You are aligned to soul, and not to ego or fear.
Have Self-Knowledge
With self-awareness, you learn to accept parts of yourself and understand your triggers. You start to see and examine your deeper beliefs about self, life and creation. And any self-punishment or self-sabotage is shown. With increased self-knowledge, challenges are easier to deal with as you become more detached from your reactions and patterns.
You can draw upon your inner self for the answers you seek. In this way, you will find a new way to solve problems. You develop more self-compassion and gratitude, which makes it easier to let go and move on.
Cultivate Gratitude
Without challenge, life would be pretty boring for many! With challenge there are often feelings of conflict or difficulty, but alongside, there is an excitement. The excitement comes from your soul knowing that this experience is an opportunity to grow, learn and to heal.
Have gratitude for your challenge. This helps integrate your learning experience as well as uplifts your vibration and keeps you open to life.

Shift your Mindset
Our beliefs shape how we see ourselves and our world. With an open mindset, you view challenges in a different way. Release the ‘tightness’ around challenge, and find the ease rather than the struggle in each experience. Mindfulness, meditation, and positive affirmations help shift your mindset and develop more empowering belief systems.
Find Meaning
Find meaning in your challenge and use your challenges and experiences as a fuel for motivation for yourself – or for others. For example, create something that contributes to the betterment of society and our world.
Make a Plan & Draw upon your Strengths
Know your strengths, so you can draw upon these during difficult times and ‘best serve’ yourself and others. Tap into your talents and create a plan of action that is doable. Break it down into small steps, so you cover each area of the challenge and achieve your resolution. Then take action!
This process in and of itself helps you to develop new strengths, builds resilience and empowers self-confidence. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, learn new skills and create new ways and solutions you have never before thought of. Be open to all possibilities and allow your inner resourcefulness to shine.
Ask for Help
Most people like to support and give back, especially if someone is struggling. Allow others to help you, so the cycle of giving-receiving is complete. In so doing, others get to fulfil their own soul development by sharing their gifts, talents and compassion. It is therefore not a failing to ask for help, but a gift you are providing others, as well as a healing for you too.
You may also form new friendships or deepen connections in the process. The extra support you receive gives you a boost of confidence, especially if you are stepping out of comfort zones. It also means you get to share the time and energy investment requited to tackle and deal with the challenges. If you are struggling and need further help, reach out to a friend or trusted advisor; or a counsellor, healer or therapist to help guide you. There may be deeper blockages or underlying fears to work through that require more professional support.
Don’t Give Up
When there is challenge after challenge, it often feels easier to give up on yourself and on life (yes, I have been there!). But in my experience and as we have seen, it is also an opportunity. Challenge opens you to a world of transformation, healing and self- discovery.
Through adversity, I have learned the one thing you can control is “you” and how you choose to deal with your challenges. The question is: what do you choose? By being adaptable, shifting your mindset and opening your heart, you can turn your challenges into growth and create a new way to navigate your life.

Michelle Harris
Michelle Harris of Michelle Harris International lives in HK and is a multi-award winning healer, coach, and woman of wellness, as well as a two-times No 1 Best-selling Amazon author. For over 25 years Michelle has guided others to greater peace, wellbeing and empowerment. As a powerful and sought-after healer, Michelle guides others to move on from fears and blockages, shift mindsets, heal trauma & emotional wounds, and connect to their soul true self. Drawing upon her inspiring journey from “powerless to empowered”, she shares authentic teachings, empowerment tools and innovative methods to live your magnificence- personally, spiritually and professionally. A natural counsellor who creates a safe and nurturing space, Michelle is also a channel of an ancient system of healing she developed since 2000; and teaches mindfulness, meditation, healing symbol trainings and psychological-energetic practices. She is also the creator of the Empowerment School platform, Empowerment events for kids/teens, and specialised Women’s Retreats amongst other inspiring initiatives. Her effective solutions have also helped schools, organisations and businesses.