Three Poems

By Shamik Banerjee

Sparrow Time

Noisy flockers battling over
Flatbread morsels on a dish.
Mother kept these when Earth’s zenith
First enclasped the sun today.

Oh! Those portly ones among them
Vanish with the bigger crumbs,
Littering other shreds all over,
Cleaning up my dish of clay.

When March Arrived

When March arrived and died too quickly,
I could not stow the joy of spring:
The apple grove attired so thickly;
The pith of every pleasant thing.

Now April’s here to nurse her flowers;
Their petals carry March’s face.
When one good thing lost all its powers,
Another came to take its place.

A Contrariety

I’ve ambled on this trail for years.
Each thing is known to me:
The step count from the Sacred Fig
To Kancha’s vinery.

Although we’ve been good pals for years,
Your ways I’ve barely known.
Last eve you were a chirpy bird;
Today, a massy stone.

PoetShamik Banerjee is a poet and poetry reviewer from the North-Eastern belt of India. He loves taking long strolls and spending time with his family. His deep affection for Solitude and Poetry provides him happiness.

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