Missing you comes and goes
like ocean waves- like Tsunamis
Triggered by faint whispers and murmurs
they don’t need earthquakes to start
Whispers of an old song, rustle of fingers
running through my hair like yours used to,
emptying random jars and bottles
which are full of memories of you
As these jars get empty
my heart gets full – of longing,
longing for your smile and embrace
that you kept just for me
The ones you left behind try
to be you for each other
Yet, those attempts are ever so subtle
lest they get uncomfortably close to heart
Holding the dams up
we talk only of irrelevant
trying not to unleash a force
of grief that threatens to consume us all
Your face never leaves my eyes
You voice never leaves my ears
Your touch hasn’t left my skin
You soul will never leave mine
This is my secret treasure now
the most precious fragments of you
all safe in my heart
where they can’t be tainted by the ordinary

Picture Credit : Devanath from Pixabay
So beautifully written, directly touches the soul.
Beautifully words arranged, Good written, you may write more, and more, an rich tribute to your mom.
Fabulous writing
Absolutely beautiful….straight from the heart ❤
Amazing piece! Your words definitely touch my soul. Well done and your mom would’ve been proud of you! Keep writing!
Well Articulated with so many emotions running through your heart! Moms are truly special 👍🏻
Thank you Kirti.
Yes your words touched me in a way I cannot put on paper/screen. Your words reminded me of my mother, lost many years ago to cancer. Mothers do live with you, through you, in you, in your very being. Beautifully put, Puja!
Thank you for appreciating Jayashree. I am so touched that it struck a chord somewhere.
Exceedingly well written which touches the chords of your Heart so Painstakingly…
Keep Writing and Keep Emoting!🥰
Thank you Shalini
My thoughts go out to you and your family on your loss. Your words are heartbreakingly beautiful.
Thank you Maureen