UPCYCLED by Michal: Journalist turned ‘upcyclist’

Talk to us about your self-belief mindset
It was not a mindset that pushed me in this direction. It was actually a way to get out of a bad mindset I was in when I lived in Shanghai. We moved from Taipei to Shanghai and instead of having it easier since it was my second relocation, I was depressed and sad. I was always good with my hands and used to refurbish furniture as a hobby. I decided to try something new in order to make myself happy. You could say it’s my inner voice and also I trust myself and my instincts.
How did you start?
Upcycling was a part of my life even before it was called upcycling. My mom was the first Upcycler. I always watched her renewing furniture or adding details to pottery. She sat with me for hours crafting. I used to refurbish furniture as a hobby while working as an investigative journalist in Israel. I didn’t have the spare time I needed to finish all my projects. At the beginning (Taipei and Shanghai) I refurbished my own house but after a while, I wanted to offer my services to others. In order for them to actually see what I can do and not only in photos, I decided to start with small items. I had a lot of wine bottles from dinner parties so I started there.
How did you continue despite the odds you faced?
The beginning of my business in Shanghai was amazing. People loved my designs. It lasted six months before covid-19 started and once it started we ran away to Israel. During the 8 months we were there we got transferred to HK. It took me about a year to return to work on my designs but I think It was a blessing in disguise. Hong Kong and its people are so good to me. For me it’s either you win or you learn. No way I’m losing. I’ve been through many things in my life. I always trust myself. I bring myself, my beliefs, my way of life into my designs and the way I do business. For now, for Hong Kong, it looks like it’s enough.
Interview by Arunanjali Maria