Kajal Nalwa has always drawn inspiration from nature and women, and the interrelation between the two as givers of life. Thus, it’s only natural that her inner journey during the lockdown found expression in her favourite subjects and as the days went by, the roller coaster of feelings came to life on her canvas.
The first painting by the artist in lockdown came in the initial days. It’s a portrait of a woman drawing upon her ‘Inner Strength’ and the power of self-belief to shine through the challenges before her.

Watercolour on paper Size 11’x15’
The second one called ‘Forest Autumn’ was inspired from the images from across the world, of earth healing and nature getting a respite from humanity’s excesses.

Acrylic on Canvas Size 30’x40’
The third piece of artwork came to life towards the end of lockdown 2.0. It stemmed from the need for normalcy, the routine and the craving for family and friends after the many weeks of social distancing.

Watercolour on paper Size 15’x22
Read other article by Kajal Nalwa
Image Credit : Kajal Nalwa
Each piece reflects the different phases of the Lockdown. As always fabulous work .
True that, Shonu. Kajal’s nailed the state of mind…and now waiting to see her painting no.4 🙂
Thanks dear Rashmi for the appt interpretations – you have really understood the concept
Thanks so much Shonu – love the process
Kajal… each of these is capturing the essence so beautifully and love the vibrancy of your style.. Rashmi thanks for bringing it to all of us
Thank you, Bela. Totally agree, the vibrant colours and style stands out in Kajal’s work.
Thanks so much
Thanks so much dear Vanita – Rashmi has outdone herself with the beautiful interpretation that’s so spot on !!
Thank you, Amol. It’s amazing how Kajal’s art reflects this phase so beautifully.
Thanks so much
I love the colours .. even though it was during the lockdown, her art reflects positivity. Congratulations kajal.
Thanks so much Divya – happy that the colours brightened your day !!
Thanks so much Amol !